Wednesday, September 23, 2009

72- Hour kit item: Your Kits!

Follow up:  Did you get your water last week? I did!  Ok I got it Monday, but here it is (and my helper):

I ended up getting 50-60 oz of water per person to carry for my 72 hour kit.  I am sorry I didn't write about how much to carry in your 72 hour kits... I am new at this- forgive me :).  I bought my water at Target for $3.50 for a pack of 24.  That is enough water for 8 72 hour kits if you have 50 oz. per person!  Leave a comment and let me know if you got your water! (or if you already have it)

THIS WEEK: An essential item: get a kit of some sort. You can use anything for a kit! However I prefer a backpack with wheels. That way if I get tired of packing it, then I can pull it. Also a child who is old enough can pull it but would be unable to pack it. However you decide to pack your kit it needs to be able to be easily carried. You should also consider keeping a 72 hour kit at work (if your place of work allows it) and in your vehicle since you never know when an emergency may occur. You may not be able to get back to your home.  Here are my kits so far with my cute little model pj's, messy hair and all.  Notice my water!? (and the necklaces that are decorating them?)  I still have to get my husbands camping backpack out, cleaned up and ready for me to start packing.  That is my goal this week.

This website has a large camping backpack for $69 and a medium size one for $15.  They also have great deals on shipping (even free!)


Becca Jane

Nate & I just started working on our food storage. I bought water today, and each week, I'm going to buy a few extra dollars worth of canned food/pasta/water/etc.

Swagbucks: The best!