Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Loose Change: I gave up!

About a year ago we bought a coin sorter.  We now roll our change and cash it in to use for something fun.  We collect it all in a jar with a lable on it stating what we are currently saving for.  It has ranged from a toy for a child, to eating out at our favorite restaurant, to a new "needed" item, and now it is saving for a new DVD player.  It always suprises me how much money we collect! 

I tried to just have us dump all of our change there (a semi-hidden spot in the kitchen) when we got home, but the change always seemed to make it upstairs on our dresser where we emptied our pockets before tossing our jeans into the dirty clothes bin.  So then I put a small change jar there to collect the mess.  I figured, better to have it in a jar organized than all over the dresser.  THEN I realized that sometimes it even made it all the way into the laundry room.  I tried to get the coins all sent to one of the two locations, but to no avail.  So... I gave up once again.  I then yes, put another jar in the laundry room.  Which suprisingly made the coins dissapear from the laundry room. 

In short, if you (or someone in your household) has a habit that is hard to break, organize around it!  Find a way to put organizing helps where the clutter falls.


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