Busy Box: I-Spy container
One of my goals this year is to spend more time with my kids. I want to find more organized things for them to do so... I am creating a BUSY BOX. This box is going to eventually have a ton of different things I can pull out (TO DO WITH THEM) when I need a break from my busy life or when they need something to do (aka when tears and tantrums are close at hand or already upon us...).
So.. meet idea #1: I-Spy Container!
1. Find any container that has a lid on it. You could also just store everything in a bag and then put it into a bowl or something when you want them to play with it.
2. Find a bunch of random little toys. I am sure you have plenty of these types of things laying around!
3. Take a picture of them so you can tell your kids what to find.
4. Fill your container with beans or something like it- rice, small pasta, etc. Just make sure you do something that your child will not choke on if you have children who are small enough that they put things in their mouth. I used beans because they are cheap and I had them on hand.
5. Then enjoy! I also gave my kids little spoons and measuring cups to play with. I put a cookie tray next to them and it turned into a mini-sandbox too. The good thing about beans is that they are easy to clean up :)
Now... I am off to "I-Spy" with my kids!

I have a "rainy day box" in our house. I have it full of crayons, stickers, stamps, glue, fingers paints, googly eyes, feathers, glitter, styraphome cups ... the list goes on and on. If it is rainy outside, freezing cold or so hot you melt if you step outside ... we bring out the box and make some creative things for the day.
Thanks for sharing your ideas!!!
super cute!! love that idea. There is a website www.safariltd.com that has lots of cute little objects for eye spy bags or boxes
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