Thursday, April 22, 2010

Daily Schedules

I don't know about your kids, but my 3 year old LOVES schedules!  She loves to know what is going on and when and what we are going to be doing.  Schedules also help her not have a hard time and have a "break down" when we all of a sudden need to eat, or go to the store or something. 

One of my all time favorite blogs is The Executive Homemaker.  They have SO many great ideas and free downloads!!  I love all their great ideas. 

HERE is a whole bunch of pictures you can use to make schedukes.

They have pictures for the basic every day routine.

They have pictures to help when you are going places.

Chore chart pictures

And labels for your toys

How fabulous is that?!  There are more pictures than I have pictured above.  Go on over to The Executive Homemaker's site and check it out!  I will be sharing more great downloads from their site as I come across them.


Swagbucks: The best!